We are a community of people taking action to regenerate and heal our planet

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Raised for solutions

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Action plans activated

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Students engaged

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Community projects supported

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Regenerators community

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Trees planted

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Our latest film

‘School of Rock’ meets ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. Damon Gameau (2040, THAT SUGAR FILM) takes eight kids on the ultimate school excursion: a road trip across Europe to challenge powerful leaders and find solutions to our greatest ecological challenges.

Future Council
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What is Regeneration?

Our current economic system is degenerative and extractive: it steals the future. A regeneratively designed system heals the future.

Sustainability is no longer enough - we need to repair the damage we have done. We need to Regenerate.

Regeneration puts life at the centre of every decision we make.

The Regeneration movement

Introducing the Regenerators - an inspiring group of diverse people who are making waves in their communities and across the globe with unique and exciting initiatives to heal our social systems and ecosystems.

Featured stories

Future Council

The Future Council takes over the UN General Assembly.

1 minute watch
The Future Council takes over the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Once upon a future

Once Upon a Future

3 minute watch
Once upon a future, in a generation not so far away, billions of voices made a world of difference.
Damon TedX

Retelling the story of humans and nature

15 minute watch
What role do stories play in addressing climate change and biodiversity loss? In this recent Ted X talk, Damon Gameau explores this fundamental question.

Become a Regenerator

Join a growing movement of Regenerators who are ready to take action in their homes, workplaces, schools and communities. You can choose from a range of regenerative actions that are aligned to your passions and interests.

Start Regenerating

Action areas

Harmonise the System

This action seeks solutions to the perverse incentives, the win-lose rivalrous dynamics and the concentrated power of our current, degenerative system.

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Rethink Energy

This action area is for people who are lit up by the largest energy transition in history - clean and green. It harnesses the sun & the wind, is more efficient, & it electrifies everything.

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Heal Habitats

Healing Habitats presents an opportunity for collaboration between a diversity of people and a diversity of plants, fungi, animals and bacteria.

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Purify Air & Water

To regenerate our air and water is to regenerate ourselves. This action area invites us to breathe deeply again and to bathe and drink in waters that heal, not harm.

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Revive Soils

Reviving soils is the dirtiest underground movement in the world right now: it is reconnecting people to their food, to their health and to the climate in remarkable and inspiring ways.

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Wild our Towns & Cities

This action area is for those who want to go wild in the city. Concrete makes way for urban forests, rooftop gardens and thriving inner-city ecosystems.

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Move Lightly

The transport of the future is versatile, accessible and great for our health. It is mobility that allows passengers to move cheaply and quietly through their communities.

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Consume with Consideration

The clothes we wear, the foods we eat and the materials we buy can either be degenerative or regenerative. Our consumption can steal the future or heal the future.

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Regenerate Self & Our Communities

The regeneration of our planet cannot happen without the regeneration of its people. This action area invites us to reconnect with ourselves, others, our communities, and all living systems.

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Share New Stories

This action area invites us to tell new stories: stories about our deeply collaborative traits, stories about our interconnected relationships with the living world.

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Our mission

We are Regenerators. We are a community of people taking action & learning about ideas that can regenerate and heal our planet’s social & eco systems. So many of our human activities are degenerative and extractive. They have taken us to the brink of an unimaginable crisis. Regeneration is a pathway forward. It is meaningful and inclusive; it puts life and connection at the heart of every decision. This platform will amplify stories of regeneration from around the world and provide tangible pathways to community and individual action.

Are you ready to regenerate?


Share your stories

Are you a Regenerator, or do you know of a Regenerator, who would like to be featured on this site? We'd love to hear from you! 

The Regenerators platform is a regenerative solutions hub that has been built to amplify the many amazing individuals and organisations around the world who are taking action to regenerate and heal ourselves, our communities and our planet. 

We curate Stories of Regeneration to hero these Regenerators in order to inspire, educate, connect and support the Regeneration movement. 


We work closely with Paul Hawken and the team at Regeneration.org and acknowledge their meticulous research and passion for Regeneration.


Philanthropic partners

Regenerators is made possible by generous donations from our philanthropic partners: