{"csrf_token": "M3lrlm3thRCw19H1La34CKpKBLdnZcI8UP01stG3SqE8O4hwJfox3aPABNPyUsWJ", "formData": "{\"questions\": [{\"id\": \"intro\", \"heading\": \"Create your action plan\", \"subHeading\": \"5 minutes - 5 questions\", \"body\": \"<p class=\\\"intro\\\" data-block-key=\\\"6vhe7\\\">Regenerators offers you the opportunity to take action in an area you are interested in or passionate about. Simply answer the following few questions and we will provide a list of recommended actions to help you start your journey.<br/><br/></p><p data-block-key=\\\"d8qrt\\\"><i>We will be regularly updating and adding new actions to our database so please keep coming back for new recommendations.</i></p>\", \"nextText\": \"Start\", \"components\": []}, {\"id\": \"question1\", \"heading\": \"What best describes your attitude toward regeneration?\", \"description\": \"Choose the option that best describes you.\", \"nextText\": \"Continue to interests\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"question1\", \"type\": \"radio\", \"options\": [{\"id\": 1005, \"uuid\": \"dqIzV8X7fWdYsPx6gSXEJG8tgsKmoAjQ-2Bd9whCb0RbUAW5z_2fGs3UTT-NlROy\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"yhna0\\\">I am <b>experienced</b> and have knowledge to share</p>\", \"key\": 5, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 1004, \"uuid\": \"TmLs6Aq-HN9f8Qa7tuu1Me2VLi4MKFfoVrnzysGmO0Zfu1gy4tNRrJjczkdPuGbE\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"xnyns\\\">I have <b>specific</b> ways I want to make a difference</p>\", \"key\": 4, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 1003, \"uuid\": \"Hewp97EcZYHqCo3AML_h6GOCfGm_GV_4dZs23XSgSytKMMC202oQ83OKHZoBZRj_\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"qruse\\\">I\\u2019m <b>inspired</b>, I want to know more and get involved as much as I can</p>\", \"key\": 3, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 1002, \"uuid\": \"-AdMWFaP01CUOR6tTp92IPW3w-70K1YIxsTZZkhp-7ZhDKCjqW75WtGbZBMAVU82\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"gds91\\\">I\\u2019m <b>busy</b> but want to contribute however I can</p>\", \"key\": 2, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 1000, \"uuid\": \"_JZvYfS3-NszrnnAoT9LAsPZF1xkLGKlJ_I9BegIYLvoLV2a9DFDMcQls-tRIHo6\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"btvew\\\">I know nothing but <b>want to know more</b></p>\", \"key\": 1, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 1001, \"uuid\": \"b70LVZbQ0JB08C8SQHuIiknCEpSWTFlKeA9SFgge7NWKNQ3GfRbNNVbUw1yY1Ziw\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"sgkfs\\\">I\\u2019m <b>skeptical</b> but open to learning more</p>\", \"key\": 0, \"value\": false}]}]}, {\"id\": \"question2\", \"heading\": \"What are you interested in?\", \"description\": \"We have identified 10 global action areas that require urgent attention for regeneration. Select the ones that most interest you. You can choose more than one option.\", \"nextText\": \"Continue to involvement\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"q2\", \"type\": \"image-checkbox\", \"options\": [{\"id\": 10079, \"title\": \"Harmonise the System\", \"introText\": \"This action seeks solutions to the perverse incentives, the win-lose rivalrous dynamics and the concentrated power of our current, degenerative system.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/People_First_Nations_RA_Regen_7.3..2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10051, \"title\": \"Rethink Energy\", \"introText\": \"This action area is for people who are lit up by the largest energy transition in history - clean and green. It harnesses the sun & the wind, is more efficient, & it electrifies everything.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Energy_RA_Regen_2.2.cc1273f6.fill-586x316.png\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10012, \"title\": \"Heal Habitats\", \"introText\": \"Healing Habitats presents an opportunity for collaboration between a diversity of people and a diversity of plants, fungi, animals and bacteria.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Wildlife_RA_Regen_10.1.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10023, \"title\": \"Purify Air & Water\", \"introText\": \"To regenerate our air and water is to regenerate ourselves. This action area invites us to breathe deeply again and to bathe and drink in waters that heal, not harm.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Untitled_Project_RA_textless-align.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316_GXCpzyq.png\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10029, \"title\": \"Revive Soils\", \"introText\": \"Reviving soils is the dirtiest underground movement in the world right now: it is reconnecting people to their food, to their health and to the climate in remarkable and inspiring ways.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Soil_general_RA_Regen_8.2.1_1.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10036, \"title\": \"Wild our Towns & Cities\", \"introText\": \"This action area is for those who want to go wild in the city. Concrete makes way for urban forests, rooftop gardens and thriving inner-city ecosystems.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Cities_RA_Regen_1.2_wText.2175abf9.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10044, \"title\": \"Move Lightly\", \"introText\": \"The transport of the future is versatile, accessible and great for our health. It is mobility that allows passengers to move cheaply and quietly through their communities.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Screen_Shot_2022-02-25_at_10.57.23.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10063, \"title\": \"Consume with Consideration\", \"introText\": \"The clothes we wear, the foods we eat and the materials we buy can either be degenerative or regenerative. Our consumption can steal the future or heal the future.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Local_Farmer.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10068, \"title\": \"Regenerate Self & Our Communities\", \"introText\": \"The regeneration of our planet cannot happen without the regeneration of its people. This action area invites us to reconnect with ourselves, others, our communities, and all living systems.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/WEB_mar22_1920x1080_montage-healin.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10075, \"title\": \"Share New Stories\", \"introText\": \"This action area invites us to tell new stories: stories about our deeply collaborative traits, stories about our interconnected relationships with the living world.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Screen_Shot_2022-02-25_at_11.31.07.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"value\": false}]}]}, {\"id\": \"question3\", \"heading\": \"What sort of action are you willing to take?\", \"description\": \"You can choose more than one option.\", \"nextText\": \"Continue to involvement\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"q3\", \"type\": \"checkbox\", \"options\": [{\"id\": 5013, \"text\": \"Learn more\", \"key\": 0, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5014, \"text\": \"Start or participate in conversations about regeneration\", \"key\": 1, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5015, \"text\": \"Take action in own home\", \"key\": 2, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5016, \"text\": \"Take action to regenerate myself and my relationships\", \"key\": 3, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5017, \"text\": \"Help make change in my local area\", \"key\": 4, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5018, \"text\": \"Support a campaign\", \"key\": 5, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5019, \"text\": \"Participate in or lead group action\", \"key\": 6, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5020, \"text\": \"Use my democratic voice to drive change\", \"key\": 7, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5021, \"text\": \"Volunteer time or skills\", \"key\": 8, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5022, \"text\": \"Donate my money\", \"key\": 9, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5023, \"text\": \"Spend my money regeneratively\", \"key\": 10, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5024, \"text\": \"Invest money regeneratively\", \"key\": 11, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5025, \"text\": \"Help or participate in fundraising\", \"key\": 12, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5026, \"text\": \"Change to regenerative practices (ie agriculture, business)\", \"key\": 13, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5027, \"text\": \"Help create a regenerative culture\", \"key\": 14, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5028, \"text\": \"Support the shift to regenerative economies\", \"key\": 15, \"value\": false}]}]}, {\"id\": \"question4\", \"heading\": \"How would you like to be involved in regeneration?\", \"description\": \"Select the options where you think you can have the most impact. You can choose more than one.\", \"nextText\": \"Continue to location\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"q4\", \"type\": \"checkbox\", \"options\": [{\"id\": 5002, \"text\": \"As an individual or family\", \"key\": 0, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5003, \"text\": \"As a student\", \"key\": 1, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5004, \"text\": \"As a teacher or educator\", \"key\": 2, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5005, \"text\": \"As a member of a community or interest group\", \"key\": 3, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5006, \"text\": \"As someone involved in management of land and/or water\", \"key\": 4, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5007, \"text\": \"As an employer or employee\", \"key\": 5, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5008, \"text\": \"As a professional in my field\", \"key\": 6, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5009, \"text\": \"As a business or industry leader\", \"key\": 7, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5010, \"text\": \"As government or local council member\", \"key\": 8, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5011, \"text\": \"As an institution, NGO and foundation\", \"key\": 9, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5012, \"text\": \"As a regenerative leader\", \"key\": 10, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5000, \"text\": \"As an investor\", \"key\": 11, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5001, \"text\": \"Any of the above\", \"key\": 12, \"value\": false}]}]}, {\"id\": \"question5\", \"heading\": \"Where do you live?\", \"description\": \"In some cases, we offer localised actions. By sharing your location means we can create more personalised action recommendations. (optional)\", \"nextText\": \"Get my action plan\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"country-select\", \"type\": \"select\", \"label\": \"Country\", \"placeHolder\": \"Select country\", \"options\": [{\"name\": \"Afghanistan\", \"id\": 255}, {\"name\": \"Aland Islands\", \"id\": 267}, {\"name\": \"Albania\", \"id\": 258}, {\"name\": \"Algeria\", \"id\": 314}, {\"name\": \"American Samoa\", \"id\": 263}, {\"name\": \"Andorra\", \"id\": 253}, {\"name\": \"Angola\", \"id\": 260}, {\"name\": \"Anguilla\", \"id\": 257}, {\"name\": \"Antarctica\", \"id\": 261}, {\"name\": \"Antigua and Barbuda\", \"id\": 256}, {\"name\": \"Argentina\", \"id\": 262}, {\"name\": \"Armenia\", \"id\": 259}, {\"name\": \"Aruba\", \"id\": 266}, {\"name\": \"Australia\", \"id\": 265}, {\"name\": \"Austria\", \"id\": 264}, {\"name\": \"Azerbaijan\", \"id\": 268}, {\"name\": \"Bahamas\", \"id\": 284}, {\"name\": \"Bahrain\", \"id\": 275}, {\"name\": \"Bangladesh\", \"id\": 271}, {\"name\": \"Barbados\", \"id\": 270}, {\"name\": \"Belarus\", \"id\": 288}, {\"name\": \"Belgium\", \"id\": 272}, {\"name\": \"Belize\", \"id\": 289}, {\"name\": \"Benin\", \"id\": 277}, {\"name\": \"Bermuda\", \"id\": 279}, {\"name\": \"Bhutan\", \"id\": 285}, {\"name\": \"Bolivia\", \"id\": 281}, {\"name\": \"Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba\", \"id\": 282}, {\"name\": \"Bosnia and Herzegovina\", \"id\": 269}, {\"name\": \"Botswana\", \"id\": 287}, {\"name\": \"Bouvet Island\", \"id\": 286}, {\"name\": \"Brazil\", \"id\": 283}, {\"name\": \"British Indian Ocean Territory\", \"id\": 358}, {\"name\": \"British Virgin Islands\", \"id\": 492}, {\"name\": \"Brunei\", \"id\": 280}, {\"name\": \"Bulgaria\", \"id\": 274}, {\"name\": \"Burkina Faso\", \"id\": 273}, {\"name\": \"Burundi\", \"id\": 276}, {\"name\": \"Cabo Verde\", \"id\": 304}, {\"name\": \"Cambodia\", \"id\": 369}, {\"name\": \"Cameroon\", \"id\": 299}, {\"name\": \"Canada\", \"id\": 290}, {\"name\": \"Cayman Islands\", \"id\": 377}, {\"name\": \"Central African Republic\", \"id\": 293}, {\"name\": \"Chad\", \"id\": 468}, {\"name\": \"Chile\", \"id\": 298}, {\"name\": \"China\", \"id\": 300}, {\"name\": \"Christmas Island\", \"id\": 306}, {\"name\": \"Cocos Islands\", \"id\": 291}, {\"name\": \"Colombia\", \"id\": 301}, {\"name\": \"Comoros\", \"id\": 371}, {\"name\": \"Cook Islands\", \"id\": 297}, {\"name\": \"Costa Rica\", \"id\": 302}, {\"name\": \"Croatia\", \"id\": 350}, {\"name\": \"Cuba\", \"id\": 303}, {\"name\": \"Curacao\", \"id\": 305}, {\"name\": \"Cyprus\", \"id\": 307}, {\"name\": \"Czechia\", \"id\": 308}, {\"name\": \"Democratic Republic of the Congo\", \"id\": 292}, {\"name\": \"Denmark\", \"id\": 311}, {\"name\": \"Djibouti\", \"id\": 310}, {\"name\": \"Dominica\", \"id\": 312}, {\"name\": \"Dominican Republic\", \"id\": 313}, {\"name\": \"Ecuador\", \"id\": 315}, {\"name\": \"Egypt\", \"id\": 317}, {\"name\": \"El Salvador\", \"id\": 463}, {\"name\": \"Equatorial Guinea\", \"id\": 340}, {\"name\": \"Eritrea\", \"id\": 319}, {\"name\": \"Estonia\", \"id\": 316}, {\"name\": \"Eswatini\", \"id\": 466}, {\"name\": \"Ethiopia\", \"id\": 321}, {\"name\": \"Falkland Islands\", \"id\": 324}, {\"name\": \"Faroe Islands\", \"id\": 326}, {\"name\": \"Fiji\", \"id\": 323}, {\"name\": \"Finland\", \"id\": 322}, {\"name\": \"France\", \"id\": 327}, {\"name\": \"French Guiana\", \"id\": 332}, {\"name\": \"French Polynesia\", \"id\": 428}, {\"name\": \"French Southern Territories\", \"id\": 469}, {\"name\": \"Gabon\", \"id\": 328}, {\"name\": \"Gambia\", \"id\": 337}, {\"name\": \"Georgia\", \"id\": 331}, {\"name\": \"Germany\", \"id\": 309}, {\"name\": \"Ghana\", \"id\": 334}, {\"name\": \"Gibraltar\", \"id\": 335}, {\"name\": \"Greece\", \"id\": 341}, {\"name\": \"Greenland\", \"id\": 336}, {\"name\": \"Grenada\", \"id\": 330}, {\"name\": \"Guadeloupe\", \"id\": 339}, {\"name\": \"Guam\", \"id\": 344}, {\"name\": \"Guatemala\", \"id\": 343}, {\"name\": \"Guernsey\", \"id\": 333}, {\"name\": \"Guinea\", \"id\": 338}, {\"name\": \"Guinea-Bissau\", \"id\": 345}, {\"name\": \"Guyana\", \"id\": 346}, {\"name\": \"Haiti\", \"id\": 351}, {\"name\": \"Heard Island and McDonald Islands\", \"id\": 348}, {\"name\": \"Honduras\", \"id\": 349}, {\"name\": \"Hong Kong\", \"id\": 347}, {\"name\": \"Hungary\", \"id\": 352}, {\"name\": \"Iceland\", \"id\": 361}, {\"name\": \"India\", \"id\": 357}, {\"name\": \"Indonesia\", \"id\": 353}, {\"name\": \"Iran\", \"id\": 360}, {\"name\": \"Iraq\", \"id\": 359}, {\"name\": \"Ireland\", \"id\": 354}, {\"name\": \"Isle of Man\", \"id\": 356}, {\"name\": \"Israel\", \"id\": 355}, {\"name\": \"Italy\", \"id\": 362}, {\"name\": \"Ivory Coast\", \"id\": 296}, {\"name\": \"Jamaica\", \"id\": 364}, {\"name\": \"Japan\", \"id\": 366}, {\"name\": \"Jersey\", \"id\": 363}, {\"name\": \"Jordan\", \"id\": 365}, {\"name\": \"Kazakhstan\", \"id\": 378}, {\"name\": \"Kenya\", \"id\": 367}, {\"name\": \"Kiribati\", \"id\": 370}, {\"name\": \"Kosovo\", \"id\": 375}, {\"name\": \"Kuwait\", \"id\": 376}, {\"name\": \"Kyrgyzstan\", \"id\": 368}, {\"name\": \"Laos\", \"id\": 379}, {\"name\": \"Latvia\", \"id\": 388}, {\"name\": \"Lebanon\", \"id\": 380}, {\"name\": \"Lesotho\", \"id\": 385}, {\"name\": \"Liberia\", \"id\": 384}, {\"name\": \"Libya\", \"id\": 389}, {\"name\": \"Liechtenstein\", \"id\": 382}, {\"name\": \"Lithuania\", \"id\": 386}, {\"name\": \"Luxembourg\", \"id\": 387}, {\"name\": \"Macao\", \"id\": 401}, {\"name\": \"Madagascar\", \"id\": 395}, {\"name\": \"Malawi\", \"id\": 409}, {\"name\": \"Malaysia\", \"id\": 411}, {\"name\": \"Maldives\", \"id\": 408}, {\"name\": \"Mali\", \"id\": 398}, {\"name\": \"Malta\", \"id\": 406}, {\"name\": \"Marshall Islands\", \"id\": 396}, {\"name\": \"Martinique\", \"id\": 403}, {\"name\": \"Mauritania\", \"id\": 404}, {\"name\": \"Mauritius\", \"id\": 407}, {\"name\": \"Mayotte\", \"id\": 499}, {\"name\": \"Mexico\", \"id\": 410}, {\"name\": \"Micronesia\", \"id\": 325}, {\"name\": \"Moldova\", \"id\": 392}, {\"name\": \"Monaco\", \"id\": 391}, {\"name\": \"Mongolia\", \"id\": 400}, {\"name\": \"Montenegro\", \"id\": 393}, {\"name\": \"Montserrat\", \"id\": 405}, {\"name\": \"Morocco\", \"id\": 390}, {\"name\": \"Mozambique\", \"id\": 412}, {\"name\": \"Myanmar\", \"id\": 399}, {\"name\": \"Namibia\", \"id\": 413}, {\"name\": \"Nauru\", \"id\": 422}, {\"name\": \"Nepal\", \"id\": 421}, {\"name\": \"Netherlands\", \"id\": 419}, {\"name\": \"Netherlands Antilles\", \"id\": 504}, {\"name\": \"New Caledonia\", \"id\": 414}, {\"name\": \"New Zealand\", \"id\": 424}, {\"name\": \"Nicaragua\", \"id\": 418}, {\"name\": \"Niger\", \"id\": 415}, {\"name\": \"Nigeria\", \"id\": 417}, {\"name\": \"Niue\", \"id\": 423}, {\"name\": \"Norfolk Island\", \"id\": 416}, {\"name\": \"Northern Mariana Islands\", \"id\": 402}, {\"name\": \"North Korea\", \"id\": 373}, {\"name\": \"North Macedonia\", \"id\": 397}, {\"name\": \"Norway\", \"id\": 420}, {\"name\": \"Oman\", \"id\": 425}, {\"name\": \"Pakistan\", \"id\": 431}, {\"name\": \"Palau\", \"id\": 438}, {\"name\": \"Palestinian Territory\", \"id\": 436}, {\"name\": \"Panama\", \"id\": 426}, {\"name\": \"Papua New Guinea\", \"id\": 429}, {\"name\": \"Paraguay\", \"id\": 439}, {\"name\": \"Peru\", \"id\": 427}, {\"name\": \"Philippines\", \"id\": 430}, {\"name\": \"Pitcairn\", \"id\": 434}, {\"name\": \"Poland\", \"id\": 432}, {\"name\": \"Portugal\", \"id\": 437}, {\"name\": \"Puerto Rico\", \"id\": 435}, {\"name\": \"Qatar\", \"id\": 440}, {\"name\": \"Republic of the Congo\", \"id\": 294}, {\"name\": \"Reunion\", \"id\": 441}, {\"name\": \"Romania\", \"id\": 442}, {\"name\": \"Russia\", \"id\": 444}, {\"name\": \"Rwanda\", \"id\": 445}, {\"name\": \"Saint Barthelemy\", \"id\": 278}, {\"name\": \"Saint Helena\", \"id\": 453}, {\"name\": \"Saint Kitts and Nevis\", \"id\": 372}, {\"name\": \"Saint Lucia\", \"id\": 381}, {\"name\": \"Saint Martin\", \"id\": 394}, {\"name\": \"Saint Pierre and Miquelon\", \"id\": 433}, {\"name\": \"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines\", \"id\": 490}, {\"name\": \"Samoa\", \"id\": 497}, {\"name\": \"San Marino\", \"id\": 458}, {\"name\": \"Sao Tome and Principe\", \"id\": 462}, {\"name\": \"Saudi Arabia\", \"id\": 446}, {\"name\": \"Senegal\", \"id\": 459}, {\"name\": \"Serbia\", \"id\": 443}, {\"name\": \"Serbia and Montenegro\", \"id\": 503}, {\"name\": \"Seychelles\", \"id\": 448}, {\"name\": \"Sierra Leone\", \"id\": 457}, {\"name\": \"Singapore\", \"id\": 452}, {\"name\": \"Sint Maarten\", \"id\": 464}, {\"name\": \"Slovakia\", \"id\": 456}, {\"name\": \"Slovenia\", \"id\": 454}, {\"name\": \"Solomon Islands\", \"id\": 447}, {\"name\": \"Somalia\", \"id\": 460}, {\"name\": \"South Africa\", \"id\": 500}, {\"name\": \"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands\", \"id\": 342}, {\"name\": \"South Korea\", \"id\": 374}, {\"name\": \"South Sudan\", \"id\": 450}, {\"name\": \"Spain\", \"id\": 320}, {\"name\": \"Sri Lanka\", \"id\": 383}, {\"name\": \"Sudan\", \"id\": 449}, {\"name\": \"Suriname\", \"id\": 461}, {\"name\": \"Svalbard and Jan Mayen\", \"id\": 455}, {\"name\": \"Sweden\", \"id\": 451}, {\"name\": \"Switzerland\", \"id\": 295}, {\"name\": \"Syria\", \"id\": 465}, {\"name\": \"Taiwan\", \"id\": 481}, {\"name\": \"Tajikistan\", \"id\": 472}, {\"name\": \"Tanzania\", \"id\": 482}, {\"name\": \"Thailand\", \"id\": 471}, {\"name\": \"Timor Leste\", \"id\": 474}, {\"name\": \"Togo\", \"id\": 470}, {\"name\": \"Tokelau\", \"id\": 473}, {\"name\": \"Tonga\", \"id\": 477}, {\"name\": \"Trinidad and Tobago\", \"id\": 479}, {\"name\": \"Tunisia\", \"id\": 476}, {\"name\": \"Turkey\", \"id\": 478}, {\"name\": \"Turkmenistan\", \"id\": 475}, {\"name\": \"Turks and Caicos Islands\", \"id\": 467}, {\"name\": \"Tuvalu\", \"id\": 480}, {\"name\": \"Uganda\", \"id\": 484}, {\"name\": \"Ukraine\", \"id\": 483}, {\"name\": \"United Arab Emirates\", \"id\": 254}, {\"name\": \"United Kingdom\", \"id\": 329}, {\"name\": \"United States\", \"id\": 486}, {\"name\": \"United States Minor Outlying Islands\", \"id\": 485}, {\"name\": \"Uruguay\", \"id\": 487}, {\"name\": \"U.S. Virgin Islands\", \"id\": 493}, {\"name\": \"Uzbekistan\", \"id\": 488}, {\"name\": \"Vanuatu\", \"id\": 495}, {\"name\": \"Vatican\", \"id\": 489}, {\"name\": \"Venezuela\", \"id\": 491}, {\"name\": \"Vietnam\", \"id\": 494}, {\"name\": \"Wallis and Futuna\", \"id\": 496}, {\"name\": \"Western Sahara\", \"id\": 318}, {\"name\": \"Yemen\", \"id\": 498}, {\"name\": \"Zambia\", \"id\": 501}, {\"name\": \"Zimbabwe\", \"id\": 502}], \"value\": null}]}, {\"id\": \"actionPlan\", \"heading\": \"My action plan\", \"description\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"mstcc\\\"><b>Thank you for joining the Regeneration!</b><br/><br/>You are now a few steps aways from becoming a Regenerator. Read through the list of recommended actions and content below and start regenerating.</p>\", \"editAnswersCopy\": \"You can edit your answers at any time to find new actions.\", \"checkBackCopy\": \"This platform is constantly being updated with more actions and resources. We suggest bookmarking this page and returning whenever you're ready to refresh your plan.\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"actions\", \"type\": \"actions\", \"options\": []}, {\"id\": \"content\", \"type\": \"content\", \"options\": []}]}], \"modal\": {\"id\": \"modal\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"name\", \"placeHolder\": \"Enter your name here\", \"type\": \"text\", \"label\": \"Name\", \"value\": \"\"}, {\"id\": \"email\", \"type\": \"email\", \"label\": \"Email\", \"placeHolder\": \"Enter your email here\", \"value\": \"\", \"description\": \"We need your email to send your plan. You can opt in to receive news below.\"}, {\"id\": \"mail-lists\", \"label\": \"How would you like to stay in touch?\", \"type\": \"checkbox\", \"options\": [{\"id\": \"eabc2337-87e2-40d3-bb31-e9336d4eb261\", \"text\": \"Sign up to News\", \"value\": false}]}]}, \"svgPath\": \"/static/icon-sprite.26538a563732bc5d5d4b.svg\", \"emailSent\": false}"}