Consume with consideration


The clothes we wear, the foods we eat and the materials we buy can either be degenerative or regenerative. Our consumption can steal the future or heal the future. This action area highlights the emerging products and practices that are motivated to move beyond sustainability, and to meaningfully start repairing the damage that has been done. Regeneration requires us to be empowered citizens and consumers.

These action areas are large, complex and interconnected. There are a number of key collective responses required to help shift the status quo. We have curated a list of those responses for you to explore linked to regenerative actions that you can take.

The list below is not yet comprehensive and the following are coming soon:

  • Recycle and reuse, and reframe waste as a resource
  • Reconnect food growers to consumers and communities 
  • Redirect the power of advertising 
  • Rethink the design of products and production 
  • Shift from individual ownership to more shared services

Collective responses

Industry chart

Create locally focused circular economies

This response shifts our focus away from the global and back to the local.

Learn more

Local Farmer

Changing our buying habits

This collective response asks us to think carefully about what we buy and why we are buying it.

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Latest stories

faith in nature

Faith in nature

5 minute watch
Faith In Nature is the first company in the world to appoint Nature to its board of directors. This film tells the story to inspire others to do the same.