What is Regen Ag?
Regenerative agriculture (or ‘regen ag’) can mean different things to different people. It encompasses all types of produce and there’s an array of techniques being used by farmers around the world, many of which have been used by First Nations peoples for thousands of years. What it all boils down to is using best-practice farming to restore and enhance the health of ecosystems.
When filming for Rachel’s Farm, Rachel Ward interviewed lots of farmers who are regenerating their land and asked them what regen ag means to them.
Everyone has a role and can play a part in restoring the health of our farmland, food and climate.
Click on the links below to learn more and find actions and resources for consumers and farmers.
Collective responses

Create a regenerative and secure food future
This response highlights the various ways we can put healthy, locally grown produce at the heart of our food system once again.