Our goal? To embed the Future Council into businesses, schools, and institutions to become the new standard. Together, we’ll unlock wonder and creativity, encourage bold ideas, and spark the motivation to deliver. Think of the Future Council as the moral compass guiding organisations toward positive impact.
But we need your help to achieve this. Join us in expanding the Future Council to become a global movement.
Sign up now to stay in the loop about opportunities as we gear up for our official launch in mid-2025!
How would you like to get involved?

Young people
Express your interest to help contribute to the design of the Future Council and be the first to find out how to join when opportunities arise.

Express your interest to become a foundational partner, meet and work with the Future Council or host a screening of the film.

Funders, investors and partners
Would you like to support the film and the Future Council as a funder, investor or impact partner? Find out more below.