This is the story of The Good Farm Shop which is featured in Director Rachel Ward's feature documentary Rachel's Farm.
Inspired by Rachel's journey to transition her farm to regenerative agricultural practices - Rachel's daughter, Matilda, and her parter Scott, decided to transform their online butchery business into a full-fledged regenerative, ready-made meals company by sourcing all their food from local, regenerative farmers. Their mission is to make convenient food not only tasty but also healthy and sustainable for our beloved planet.
Animation by Joe Neathway Brown. Narrated by Matilda Brown and featuring Scott Gooding and Matilda Brown.
Learn more at The Good Farm Shop and read Rachel's letter to all the customers buying from The Good Farm Shop in The Message from Your Farmer Rachel Ward on the blog.
Collective responses

Create a regenerative and secure food future
This response highlights the various ways we can put healthy, locally grown produce at the heart of our food system once again.