Meet Kristy Drutman

Kristy is a climate activist and founder of Brown Girl Green - a multimedia series focussed on the intersection between race, culture and climate

Created by Regen Studios
Watch time – 1 minutes

About Kristy

Kristy Drutman, otherwise known as Browngirl Green is passionate about working at the intersections between media, diversity, and environmentalism.

As a youth climate activist, Kristy has spoken in front of thousands as well as facilitated workshops centered around environmental media and storytelling in cities across the United States.

She has also worked with youth from around the world to create collaborative, intersectional online media with the goal of creating conscious, culturally relevant content to engage audiences about proactive solution-building to the climate crisis.

What does regeneration mean to you?

Regeneration means an opportunity to reconnect to nature, to move away from extractive industries and to create economies and liveable cities that everyone can enjoy.

What are you/your organisation doing to regenerate the planet?

I am the host and founder of BrownGirlGreen which is a multimedia series focussed on the intersection between race, culture and climate

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Collective responses

Healing 1920x1080

Heal our relationships to self & others

If there was one response that towered above others in its ability to usher in meaningful, regenerative change – it is this one.

Learn more