It's about time

A brief and playful look at how we are impacting our oceans and what you can do to help

Created by Regen Studios
Watch time – 1 minutes

Want to find out more?

This video relates to three action areas that are vital for regeneration

  1. Cultivating a regenerative culture
  2. Purifying air and water
  3. Healing habitats

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Collective responses


Restore and regenerate habitats

This response presents an opportunity for a meaningful collaboration between people, plants, animals, water and the land.

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Wildlife corridor

Protect plants and animals

This response looks at how we can implement new laws that protect ecology, introduce marine and land protection areas, plus raise awareness about the impact our economic system is having on the species we share this planet with.

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Bring regeneration into the classroom

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Join and build regen networks

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Share and create more regenerative narratives

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