Australia's Broken Boundaries

Damon Gameau talks about Australia's Broken Boundaries and how regenerating our landscapes is the only way to ensure a sustainable future.

Created by Damon Gameau
Watch time – 6 minutes

The Planetary Boundaries Framework.

This graphic shows the Planetary Boundaries (source: Donut Economics and Stockholm Resilience Centre). The green circle in the middle is the safe and sustainable zone for humanity. It is where we would be living in balance with the natural world and with more equality in our societies across a range of areas.

Unfortunately, we have breached many ecological and social boundaries that dramatically impact our well-being and the well-being of the planet. We have reached dangerous and critical thresholds for climate change, species loss, chemical use and ecosystem collapse while also needing to substantially improve areas like health, social equity and the political voice of many people.

Australia's Broken Boundaries

We have localised this graph for Australia. In this video, Damon Gameau shares this graphic and talks about Australia's Broken Boundaries and how regenerating our landscapes is the only way to ensure a sustainable future.

Video credit: This presentation was given at the Northern Rivers Net Zero field day at Banyula. Thanks to Regenerative Ag Alliance & Farming Together for the video which was support by @sqnnswhub and @UniSCU for the video.


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