{"csrf_token": "qJhLeERQf3ABMWzvPs7JB8U6t83guINKADaSgoI48lHBuzIToX06kOngyFm1UZzm", "formData": "{\"questions\": [{\"id\": \"filmIntro\", \"heading\": \"Create your action plan\", \"subHeading\": \"5 minutes - 6 questions\", \"description\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"9lg01\\\">Regenerating Australia offers you the opportunity to take action in an area you are interested in or passionate about. Simply answer the following few questions and we will provide a list of recommended actions to help you start your journey.<br/></p><p data-block-key=\\\"5mfg2\\\"><i>We will be regularly updating and adding new actions to our database so please keep coming back for new recommendations.</i></p>\", \"components\": [{\"label\": \"Have you seen the film?\", \"type\": \"boolean\", \"id\": \"filmIntro\", \"options\": [{\"id\": \"film-yes\", \"text\": \"Yes\", \"type\": \"button\", \"value\": false, \"nextQuestion\": \"filmQuestion\"}, {\"id\": \"film-no\", \"text\": \"No\", \"type\": \"button\", \"value\": false, \"nextQuestion\": \"question1\"}]}]}, {\"id\": \"filmQuestion\", \"heading\": \"Select which solutions resonated with you in the film\", \"description\": \"\", \"nextText\": \"Continue to attitudes\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"filmQuestion\", \"type\": \"image-checkbox\", \"options\": [{\"id\": 10080, \"title\": \"Change what we measure and incentivise\", \"introText\": \"This response asks us to broaden our metrics of success; to move away from a narrow economic focus, and to make visible and measurable other aspects of our lives that we care about and would like to see improved.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/News_Readers_RA_Regen_6.5.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"key\": 0, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10082, \"title\": \"Embed Indigenous wisdom\", \"introText\": \"This response requires us to listen and learn from Indigenous cultures around the world - then integrate these learnings.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/People_First_Nations_RA_Regen_7.3..2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"key\": 1, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10089, \"title\": \"Upgrade democracy\", \"introText\": \"This response urges us to tap into the exciting participatory democracy movements and experiments that are taking place at a national or local level around the world.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/People_voices_RA_Regen_7.9.6.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"key\": 2, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10052, \"title\": \"Adopt community energy\", \"introText\": \"This response empowers citizens and communities by giving them ownership of local, resilient, renewable energy\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Energy_RA_Regen_2.2.cc1273f6.fill-586x316.png\", \"key\": 3, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10059, \"title\": \"Build a scalable, renewable energy infrastructure\", \"introText\": \"This response involves re-designing the architecture of our energy grids so they can incorporate both large and small-scale clean energy projects.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Maps_RA_Regen_5.1.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"key\": 4, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10013, \"title\": \"Restore and regenerate habitats\", \"introText\": \"This response presents an opportunity for a meaningful collaboration between people, plants, animals, water and the land.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Wildlife_RA_Regen_10.1.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"key\": 5, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10018, \"title\": \"Protect plants and animals\", \"introText\": \"This response looks at how we can implement new laws that protect ecology, introduce marine and land protection areas, plus raise awareness about the impact our economic system is having on the species we share this planet with.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Wildlife_RA_Regen_10.2.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"key\": 6, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10024, \"title\": \"Restore natural water cycles\", \"introText\": \"This response invites us to consider that we can have an impact on the weather in our own region.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Untitled_Project_RA_textless-align.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"key\": 7, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10030, \"title\": \"Create a regenerative and secure food future\", \"introText\": \"This response highlights the various ways we can put healthy, locally grown produce at the heart of our food system once again.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/People_on_land_RA_Regen_7.5.2.d41ede18.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"key\": 8, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10037, \"title\": \"Bring nature into our living spaces\", \"introText\": \"This response looks at how increasing nature in urban spaces benefits human stress levels, reduces pollution and lowers temperatures.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Cities_RA_Regen_1.2_wText.2175abf9.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"key\": 9, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10045, \"title\": \"Build cleaner long-distance travel solutions\", \"introText\": \"This response focuses on emerging clean technologies and also addresses the ways in which we might rethink travel, and the importing and exporting of goods.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Transport_RA_Regen_9.2.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"key\": 10, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10047, \"title\": \"Embrace cleaner personal & public transport\", \"introText\": \"This response involves an exciting rethink about how we move around our towns &cities. It explores transportation hubs where cars, buses & trains come together & link to walk-ways, bike & scooter paths, or emerging fleets of electric ride shares.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Screen_Shot_2022-02-25_at_10.57.23.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"key\": 11, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10069, \"title\": \"Heal our relationships to self & others\", \"introText\": \"If there was one response that towered above others in its ability to usher in meaningful, regenerative change \\u2013 it is this one.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/WEB_mar22_montage-healing.a88bb923.fill-586x316.png\", \"key\": 12, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10076, \"title\": \"Cultivate a regenerative culture\", \"introText\": \"This response involves harnessing the power of stories, art, music and conversations to create change.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Screen_Shot_2022-03-24_at_2.41.58_.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"key\": 13, \"value\": false}]}]}, {\"id\": \"question1\", \"heading\": \"What best describes your attitude toward regeneration?\", \"description\": \"Choose the option that best describes you.\", \"nextText\": \"Continue to interests\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"question1\", \"type\": \"radio\", \"options\": [{\"id\": 1005, \"uuid\": \"dqIzV8X7fWdYsPx6gSXEJG8tgsKmoAjQ-2Bd9whCb0RbUAW5z_2fGs3UTT-NlROy\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"yhna0\\\">I am <b>experienced</b> and have knowledge to share</p>\", \"key\": 5, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 1004, \"uuid\": \"TmLs6Aq-HN9f8Qa7tuu1Me2VLi4MKFfoVrnzysGmO0Zfu1gy4tNRrJjczkdPuGbE\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"xnyns\\\">I have <b>specific</b> ways I want to make a difference</p>\", \"key\": 4, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 1003, \"uuid\": \"Hewp97EcZYHqCo3AML_h6GOCfGm_GV_4dZs23XSgSytKMMC202oQ83OKHZoBZRj_\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"qruse\\\">I\\u2019m <b>inspired</b>, I want to know more and get involved as much as I can</p>\", \"key\": 3, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 1002, \"uuid\": \"-AdMWFaP01CUOR6tTp92IPW3w-70K1YIxsTZZkhp-7ZhDKCjqW75WtGbZBMAVU82\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"gds91\\\">I\\u2019m <b>busy</b> but want to contribute however I can</p>\", \"key\": 2, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 1000, \"uuid\": \"_JZvYfS3-NszrnnAoT9LAsPZF1xkLGKlJ_I9BegIYLvoLV2a9DFDMcQls-tRIHo6\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"btvew\\\">I know nothing but <b>want to know more</b></p>\", \"key\": 1, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 1001, \"uuid\": \"b70LVZbQ0JB08C8SQHuIiknCEpSWTFlKeA9SFgge7NWKNQ3GfRbNNVbUw1yY1Ziw\", \"text\": \"<p data-block-key=\\\"sgkfs\\\">I\\u2019m <b>skeptical</b> but open to learning more</p>\", \"key\": 0, \"value\": false}]}]}, {\"id\": \"question2\", \"heading\": \"What are you interested in?\", \"description\": \"We have identified 10 global action areas that require urgent attention for regeneration. Select the ones that most interest you. You can choose more than one option.\", \"nextText\": \"Continue to involvement\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"q2\", \"type\": \"image-checkbox\", \"options\": [{\"id\": 10079, \"title\": \"Harmonise the System\", \"introText\": \"This action seeks solutions to the perverse incentives, the win-lose rivalrous dynamics and the concentrated power of our current, degenerative system.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/People_First_Nations_RA_Regen_7.3..2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10051, \"title\": \"Rethink Energy\", \"introText\": \"This action area is for people who are lit up by the largest energy transition in history - clean and green. It harnesses the sun & the wind, is more efficient, & it electrifies everything.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Energy_RA_Regen_2.2.cc1273f6.fill-586x316.png\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10012, \"title\": \"Heal Habitats\", \"introText\": \"Healing Habitats presents an opportunity for collaboration between a diversity of people and a diversity of plants, fungi, animals and bacteria.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Wildlife_RA_Regen_10.1.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10023, \"title\": \"Purify Air & Water\", \"introText\": \"To regenerate our air and water is to regenerate ourselves. This action area invites us to breathe deeply again and to bathe and drink in waters that heal, not harm.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Untitled_Project_RA_textless-align.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316_GXCpzyq.png\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10029, \"title\": \"Revive Soils\", \"introText\": \"Reviving soils is the dirtiest underground movement in the world right now: it is reconnecting people to their food, to their health and to the climate in remarkable and inspiring ways.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Soil_general_RA_Regen_8.2.1_1.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10036, \"title\": \"Wild our Towns & Cities\", \"introText\": \"This action area is for those who want to go wild in the city. Concrete makes way for urban forests, rooftop gardens and thriving inner-city ecosystems.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Cities_RA_Regen_1.2_wText.2175abf9.fill-586x316.jpg\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10044, \"title\": \"Move Lightly\", \"introText\": \"The transport of the future is versatile, accessible and great for our health. It is mobility that allows passengers to move cheaply and quietly through their communities.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Screen_Shot_2022-02-25_at_10.57.23.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10063, \"title\": \"Consume with Consideration\", \"introText\": \"The clothes we wear, the foods we eat and the materials we buy can either be degenerative or regenerative. Our consumption can steal the future or heal the future.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Local_Farmer.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10068, \"title\": \"Regenerate Self & Our Communities\", \"introText\": \"The regeneration of our planet cannot happen without the regeneration of its people. This action area invites us to reconnect with ourselves, others, our communities, and all living systems.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/WEB_mar22_1920x1080_montage-healin.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 10075, \"title\": \"Share New Stories\", \"introText\": \"This action area invites us to tell new stories: stories about our deeply collaborative traits, stories about our interconnected relationships with the living world.\", \"image\": \"https://assets.theregenerators.org/images/Screen_Shot_2022-02-25_at_11.31.07.2e16d0ba.fill-586x316.png\", \"value\": false}]}]}, {\"id\": \"question3\", \"heading\": \"What sort of action are you willing to take?\", \"description\": \"You can choose more than one option.\", \"nextText\": \"Continue to involvement\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"q3\", \"type\": \"checkbox\", \"options\": [{\"id\": 5013, \"text\": \"Learn more\", \"key\": 0, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5014, \"text\": \"Start or participate in conversations about regeneration\", \"key\": 1, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5015, \"text\": \"Take action in own home\", \"key\": 2, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5016, \"text\": \"Take action to regenerate myself and my relationships\", \"key\": 3, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5017, \"text\": \"Help make change in my local area\", \"key\": 4, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5018, \"text\": \"Support a campaign\", \"key\": 5, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5019, \"text\": \"Participate in or lead group action\", \"key\": 6, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5020, \"text\": \"Use my democratic voice to drive change\", \"key\": 7, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5021, \"text\": \"Volunteer time or skills\", \"key\": 8, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5022, \"text\": \"Donate my money\", \"key\": 9, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5023, \"text\": \"Spend my money regeneratively\", \"key\": 10, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5024, \"text\": \"Invest money regeneratively\", \"key\": 11, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5025, \"text\": \"Help or participate in fundraising\", \"key\": 12, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5026, \"text\": \"Change to regenerative practices (ie agriculture, business)\", \"key\": 13, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5027, \"text\": \"Help create a regenerative culture\", \"key\": 14, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5028, \"text\": \"Support the shift to regenerative economies\", \"key\": 15, \"value\": false}]}]}, {\"id\": \"question4\", \"heading\": \"How would you like to be involved in regeneration?\", \"description\": \"Select the options where you think you can have the most impact. You can choose more than one.\", \"nextText\": \"Continue to location\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"q4\", \"type\": \"checkbox\", \"options\": [{\"id\": 5002, \"text\": \"As an individual or family\", \"key\": 0, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5003, \"text\": \"As a student\", \"key\": 1, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5004, \"text\": \"As a teacher or educator\", \"key\": 2, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5005, \"text\": \"As a member of a community or interest group\", \"key\": 3, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5006, \"text\": \"As someone involved in management of land and/or water\", \"key\": 4, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5007, \"text\": \"As an employer or employee\", \"key\": 5, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5008, \"text\": \"As a professional in my field\", \"key\": 6, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5009, \"text\": \"As a business or industry leader\", \"key\": 7, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5010, \"text\": \"As government or local council member\", \"key\": 8, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5011, \"text\": \"As an institution, NGO and foundation\", \"key\": 9, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5012, \"text\": \"As a regenerative leader\", \"key\": 10, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5000, \"text\": \"As an investor\", \"key\": 11, \"value\": false}, {\"id\": 5001, \"text\": \"Any of the above\", \"key\": 12, \"value\": false}]}]}, {\"id\": \"question5\", \"heading\": \"Where do you live?\", \"description\": \"In some cases, we offer localised actions. By sharing your location means we can create more personalised action recommendations. (optional)\", \"nextText\": \"Get my action plan\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"country-select\", \"type\": \"select\", \"label\": \"Country\", \"placeHolder\": \"Select country\", \"options\": [{\"name\": \"Afghanistan\", \"id\": 255}, {\"name\": \"Aland Islands\", \"id\": 267}, {\"name\": \"Albania\", \"id\": 258}, {\"name\": \"Algeria\", \"id\": 314}, {\"name\": \"American Samoa\", \"id\": 263}, {\"name\": \"Andorra\", \"id\": 253}, {\"name\": \"Angola\", \"id\": 260}, {\"name\": \"Anguilla\", \"id\": 257}, {\"name\": \"Antarctica\", \"id\": 261}, {\"name\": \"Antigua and Barbuda\", \"id\": 256}, {\"name\": \"Argentina\", \"id\": 262}, {\"name\": \"Armenia\", \"id\": 259}, {\"name\": \"Aruba\", \"id\": 266}, {\"name\": \"Australia\", \"id\": 265}, {\"name\": \"Austria\", \"id\": 264}, {\"name\": \"Azerbaijan\", \"id\": 268}, {\"name\": \"Bahamas\", \"id\": 284}, {\"name\": \"Bahrain\", \"id\": 275}, {\"name\": \"Bangladesh\", \"id\": 271}, {\"name\": \"Barbados\", \"id\": 270}, {\"name\": \"Belarus\", \"id\": 288}, {\"name\": \"Belgium\", \"id\": 272}, {\"name\": \"Belize\", \"id\": 289}, {\"name\": \"Benin\", \"id\": 277}, {\"name\": \"Bermuda\", \"id\": 279}, {\"name\": \"Bhutan\", \"id\": 285}, {\"name\": \"Bolivia\", \"id\": 281}, {\"name\": \"Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba\", \"id\": 282}, {\"name\": \"Bosnia and Herzegovina\", \"id\": 269}, {\"name\": \"Botswana\", \"id\": 287}, {\"name\": \"Bouvet Island\", \"id\": 286}, {\"name\": \"Brazil\", \"id\": 283}, {\"name\": \"British Indian Ocean Territory\", \"id\": 358}, {\"name\": \"British Virgin Islands\", \"id\": 492}, {\"name\": \"Brunei\", \"id\": 280}, {\"name\": \"Bulgaria\", \"id\": 274}, {\"name\": \"Burkina Faso\", \"id\": 273}, {\"name\": \"Burundi\", \"id\": 276}, {\"name\": \"Cabo Verde\", \"id\": 304}, {\"name\": \"Cambodia\", \"id\": 369}, {\"name\": \"Cameroon\", \"id\": 299}, {\"name\": \"Canada\", \"id\": 290}, {\"name\": \"Cayman Islands\", \"id\": 377}, {\"name\": \"Central African Republic\", \"id\": 293}, {\"name\": \"Chad\", \"id\": 468}, {\"name\": \"Chile\", \"id\": 298}, {\"name\": \"China\", \"id\": 300}, {\"name\": \"Christmas Island\", \"id\": 306}, {\"name\": \"Cocos Islands\", \"id\": 291}, {\"name\": \"Colombia\", \"id\": 301}, {\"name\": \"Comoros\", \"id\": 371}, {\"name\": \"Cook Islands\", \"id\": 297}, {\"name\": \"Costa Rica\", \"id\": 302}, {\"name\": \"Croatia\", \"id\": 350}, {\"name\": \"Cuba\", \"id\": 303}, {\"name\": \"Curacao\", \"id\": 305}, {\"name\": \"Cyprus\", \"id\": 307}, {\"name\": \"Czechia\", \"id\": 308}, {\"name\": \"Democratic Republic of the Congo\", \"id\": 292}, {\"name\": \"Denmark\", \"id\": 311}, {\"name\": \"Djibouti\", \"id\": 310}, {\"name\": \"Dominica\", \"id\": 312}, {\"name\": \"Dominican Republic\", \"id\": 313}, {\"name\": \"Ecuador\", \"id\": 315}, {\"name\": \"Egypt\", \"id\": 317}, {\"name\": \"El Salvador\", \"id\": 463}, {\"name\": \"Equatorial Guinea\", \"id\": 340}, {\"name\": \"Eritrea\", \"id\": 319}, {\"name\": \"Estonia\", \"id\": 316}, {\"name\": \"Eswatini\", \"id\": 466}, {\"name\": \"Ethiopia\", \"id\": 321}, {\"name\": \"Falkland Islands\", \"id\": 324}, {\"name\": \"Faroe Islands\", \"id\": 326}, {\"name\": \"Fiji\", \"id\": 323}, {\"name\": \"Finland\", \"id\": 322}, {\"name\": \"France\", \"id\": 327}, {\"name\": \"French Guiana\", \"id\": 332}, {\"name\": \"French Polynesia\", \"id\": 428}, {\"name\": \"French Southern Territories\", \"id\": 469}, {\"name\": \"Gabon\", \"id\": 328}, {\"name\": \"Gambia\", \"id\": 337}, {\"name\": \"Georgia\", \"id\": 331}, {\"name\": \"Germany\", \"id\": 309}, {\"name\": \"Ghana\", \"id\": 334}, {\"name\": \"Gibraltar\", \"id\": 335}, {\"name\": \"Greece\", \"id\": 341}, {\"name\": \"Greenland\", \"id\": 336}, {\"name\": \"Grenada\", \"id\": 330}, {\"name\": \"Guadeloupe\", \"id\": 339}, {\"name\": \"Guam\", \"id\": 344}, {\"name\": \"Guatemala\", \"id\": 343}, {\"name\": \"Guernsey\", \"id\": 333}, {\"name\": \"Guinea\", \"id\": 338}, {\"name\": \"Guinea-Bissau\", \"id\": 345}, {\"name\": \"Guyana\", \"id\": 346}, {\"name\": \"Haiti\", \"id\": 351}, {\"name\": \"Heard Island and McDonald Islands\", \"id\": 348}, {\"name\": \"Honduras\", \"id\": 349}, {\"name\": \"Hong Kong\", \"id\": 347}, {\"name\": \"Hungary\", \"id\": 352}, {\"name\": \"Iceland\", \"id\": 361}, {\"name\": \"India\", \"id\": 357}, {\"name\": \"Indonesia\", \"id\": 353}, {\"name\": \"Iran\", \"id\": 360}, {\"name\": \"Iraq\", \"id\": 359}, {\"name\": \"Ireland\", \"id\": 354}, {\"name\": \"Isle of Man\", \"id\": 356}, {\"name\": \"Israel\", \"id\": 355}, {\"name\": \"Italy\", \"id\": 362}, {\"name\": \"Ivory Coast\", \"id\": 296}, {\"name\": \"Jamaica\", \"id\": 364}, {\"name\": \"Japan\", \"id\": 366}, {\"name\": \"Jersey\", \"id\": 363}, {\"name\": \"Jordan\", \"id\": 365}, {\"name\": \"Kazakhstan\", \"id\": 378}, {\"name\": \"Kenya\", \"id\": 367}, {\"name\": \"Kiribati\", \"id\": 370}, {\"name\": \"Kosovo\", \"id\": 375}, {\"name\": \"Kuwait\", \"id\": 376}, {\"name\": \"Kyrgyzstan\", \"id\": 368}, {\"name\": \"Laos\", \"id\": 379}, {\"name\": \"Latvia\", \"id\": 388}, {\"name\": \"Lebanon\", \"id\": 380}, {\"name\": \"Lesotho\", \"id\": 385}, {\"name\": \"Liberia\", \"id\": 384}, {\"name\": \"Libya\", \"id\": 389}, {\"name\": \"Liechtenstein\", \"id\": 382}, {\"name\": \"Lithuania\", \"id\": 386}, {\"name\": \"Luxembourg\", \"id\": 387}, {\"name\": \"Macao\", \"id\": 401}, {\"name\": \"Madagascar\", \"id\": 395}, {\"name\": \"Malawi\", \"id\": 409}, {\"name\": \"Malaysia\", \"id\": 411}, {\"name\": \"Maldives\", \"id\": 408}, {\"name\": \"Mali\", \"id\": 398}, {\"name\": \"Malta\", \"id\": 406}, {\"name\": \"Marshall Islands\", \"id\": 396}, {\"name\": \"Martinique\", \"id\": 403}, {\"name\": \"Mauritania\", \"id\": 404}, {\"name\": \"Mauritius\", \"id\": 407}, {\"name\": \"Mayotte\", \"id\": 499}, {\"name\": \"Mexico\", \"id\": 410}, {\"name\": \"Micronesia\", \"id\": 325}, {\"name\": \"Moldova\", \"id\": 392}, {\"name\": \"Monaco\", \"id\": 391}, {\"name\": \"Mongolia\", \"id\": 400}, {\"name\": \"Montenegro\", \"id\": 393}, {\"name\": \"Montserrat\", \"id\": 405}, {\"name\": \"Morocco\", \"id\": 390}, {\"name\": \"Mozambique\", \"id\": 412}, {\"name\": \"Myanmar\", \"id\": 399}, {\"name\": \"Namibia\", \"id\": 413}, {\"name\": \"Nauru\", \"id\": 422}, {\"name\": \"Nepal\", \"id\": 421}, {\"name\": \"Netherlands\", \"id\": 419}, {\"name\": \"Netherlands Antilles\", \"id\": 504}, {\"name\": \"New Caledonia\", \"id\": 414}, {\"name\": \"New Zealand\", \"id\": 424}, {\"name\": \"Nicaragua\", \"id\": 418}, {\"name\": \"Niger\", \"id\": 415}, {\"name\": \"Nigeria\", \"id\": 417}, {\"name\": \"Niue\", \"id\": 423}, {\"name\": \"Norfolk Island\", \"id\": 416}, {\"name\": \"Northern Mariana Islands\", \"id\": 402}, {\"name\": \"North Korea\", \"id\": 373}, {\"name\": \"North Macedonia\", \"id\": 397}, {\"name\": \"Norway\", \"id\": 420}, {\"name\": \"Oman\", \"id\": 425}, {\"name\": \"Pakistan\", \"id\": 431}, {\"name\": \"Palau\", \"id\": 438}, {\"name\": \"Palestinian Territory\", \"id\": 436}, {\"name\": \"Panama\", \"id\": 426}, {\"name\": \"Papua New Guinea\", \"id\": 429}, {\"name\": \"Paraguay\", \"id\": 439}, {\"name\": \"Peru\", \"id\": 427}, {\"name\": \"Philippines\", \"id\": 430}, {\"name\": \"Pitcairn\", \"id\": 434}, {\"name\": \"Poland\", \"id\": 432}, {\"name\": \"Portugal\", \"id\": 437}, {\"name\": \"Puerto Rico\", \"id\": 435}, {\"name\": \"Qatar\", \"id\": 440}, {\"name\": \"Republic of the Congo\", \"id\": 294}, {\"name\": \"Reunion\", \"id\": 441}, {\"name\": \"Romania\", \"id\": 442}, {\"name\": \"Russia\", \"id\": 444}, {\"name\": \"Rwanda\", \"id\": 445}, {\"name\": \"Saint Barthelemy\", \"id\": 278}, {\"name\": \"Saint Helena\", \"id\": 453}, {\"name\": \"Saint Kitts and Nevis\", \"id\": 372}, {\"name\": \"Saint Lucia\", \"id\": 381}, {\"name\": \"Saint Martin\", \"id\": 394}, {\"name\": \"Saint Pierre and Miquelon\", \"id\": 433}, {\"name\": \"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines\", \"id\": 490}, {\"name\": \"Samoa\", \"id\": 497}, {\"name\": \"San Marino\", \"id\": 458}, {\"name\": \"Sao Tome and Principe\", \"id\": 462}, {\"name\": \"Saudi Arabia\", \"id\": 446}, {\"name\": \"Senegal\", \"id\": 459}, {\"name\": \"Serbia\", \"id\": 443}, {\"name\": \"Serbia and Montenegro\", \"id\": 503}, {\"name\": \"Seychelles\", \"id\": 448}, {\"name\": \"Sierra Leone\", \"id\": 457}, {\"name\": \"Singapore\", \"id\": 452}, {\"name\": \"Sint Maarten\", \"id\": 464}, {\"name\": \"Slovakia\", \"id\": 456}, {\"name\": \"Slovenia\", \"id\": 454}, {\"name\": \"Solomon Islands\", \"id\": 447}, {\"name\": \"Somalia\", \"id\": 460}, {\"name\": \"South Africa\", \"id\": 500}, {\"name\": \"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands\", \"id\": 342}, {\"name\": \"South Korea\", \"id\": 374}, {\"name\": \"South Sudan\", \"id\": 450}, {\"name\": \"Spain\", \"id\": 320}, {\"name\": \"Sri Lanka\", \"id\": 383}, {\"name\": \"Sudan\", \"id\": 449}, {\"name\": \"Suriname\", 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Read through the list of recommended actions and content below and start regenerating.</p>\", \"editAnswersCopy\": \"You can edit your answers at any time to find new actions.\", \"checkBackCopy\": \"This platform is constantly being updated with more actions and resources. We suggest bookmarking this page and returning whenever you're ready to refresh your plan.\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"actions\", \"type\": \"actions\", \"options\": []}, {\"id\": \"content\", \"type\": \"content\", \"options\": []}]}], \"modal\": {\"id\": \"modal\", \"components\": [{\"id\": \"name\", \"placeHolder\": \"Enter your name here\", \"type\": \"text\", \"label\": \"Name\", \"value\": \"\"}, {\"id\": \"email\", \"type\": \"email\", \"label\": \"Email\", \"placeHolder\": \"Enter your email here\", \"value\": \"\", \"description\": \"We need your email to send your plan. 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