Bring nature into our living spaces

Donate or fundraise to support greening our cities

Help green and cool our cities with financial support.

With about 70% of the world’s population predicted to live in cities by 2050, there is an urgent need to integrate nature back into our urban environments and ensure that our cities become more liveable and regenerative.

Multiple studies have shown that trees in cities have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing and can even lead to lower crime rates. There is a lot of exciting work being done in this space and donating or fundraising is a great way to start supporting these projects today. Re-greening our cities also means cooler temperatures, increased biodiversity, and more open spaces for recreation.

Below you will find some organisations you can support to green our cities and initiatives you can get involved with to learn more about scaling this solution.

Here are a few options you can choose from:


United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

The “Trees in Cities Challenge” invites mayors and local governments worldwide to make a tree-planting pledge and set objectives for making their cities greener, resilient and more sustainable.

  • Learn what’s happening in other cities around the world.


EarthWatch is a global environmental charity aiming to create a society that lives in balance with nature by empowering people to save the natural world.


Greening Australia

Greening Australia’s ‘Nature in Cities' program is working with communities, businesses and government to create restored, reconnected and resilient urban habitats across Australia.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Australia

The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental non-profit non-government organisation working to create a world where people and nature can thrive.


American Forests

American Forests create healthy and resilient forests, from cities to large natural landscapes, that deliver essential benefits for climate, people, water and wildlife.

  • Donate or fundraise to help accelerate the creation of urban forests.
  • Explore the Vibrant Cities Lab and find research, guides, toolkits and other resources — all related to urban forestry.
  • Donate now by becoming a member today - every gift helps American Forests restore forests in cities and large landscapes.
  • Support through Workplace Giving and Employer Matching.
  • Learn about creating tree equity in every city


Trees for Cities (UK and Global)

Tree for Cities are working at a national and international scale to improve lives by planting trees in cities. They do this by working with local communities to cultivate lasting change in their neighbourhoods by revitalising forgotten spaces, creating healthier environments or getting people excited about growing, foraging and eating healthy food.

The Woodland Trust (UK)

The Woodland Trust is the UK's largest woodland conservation charity with a vision to make the UK rich in woods and trees.

  • Fundraise as an individual, a group, at your workplace, or raise money for a woodland dedication.
  • Make a donation - your support protects and creates new woodland for the wildlife that depends on it.

IVN natuur educatie

IVN Nature Education brings nature closer to young and old people by making learning and participation opportunities available throughout the country.

Donating or fundraising to support greening our cities is part of a larger collective response. Learn more and find other actions about bringing nature into our living spaces.

Know of any other resources? Share your ideas.