This action area invites us to tell new stories: stories about our deeply collaborative traits, stories about our interconnected relationships with the living world, and stories from a variety of emerging voices that have not been heard enough.
Whether we know it or not, we all spend our days playing out a story of who we tell ourselves we are: a story that informs our behaviours and our world view. But humans also play out a collective story of who we are: a story that has us believe we are exclusively selfish and competitive, we are separate from nature, and that status and wealth are crucial for our happiness. This action area invites us to generate new stories: stories about our deeply collaborative traits, stories about our interconnected relationships with the living world, and stories from a variety of emerging voices that have not been heard enough.
These action areas are large, complex and interconnected. There are a number of key collective responses required to help shift the status quo. We have curated a list of those responses for you to explore linked to regenerative actions that you can take.
The list below is not yet comprehensive and the following are coming soon:
- Share and create more regenerative narratives
- Embed First Nations wisdom
- Cultivate respect and empathy for other's perspectives and opinions
- Clean up the information commons
- Change what we measure and incentive
- Redirect the power of advertising
Collective responses

Cultivate a regenerative culture
This response involves harnessing the power of stories, art, music and conversations to create change.