Protect plants and animals

Join local efforts for preserving plants and animals

Get involved locally by volunteering with your community or advocating for protections of your local native wildlife.

What better way is there to take action then by getting outdoors and working with others to help clean up, preserve and protect the wildlife, plants and natural places of your local area!

Below are some suggested ways of getting involved locally by volunteering with your community or advocating for protections of your local native wildlife.

Here are some places to start:



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We suggest doing some research to find existing programs or local groups in your area to join and volunteer with. If you can’t find a local group or restoration project that you’d like to join, or have another idea for a project that you’d like to start - check out the “Community Organizer’s Toolkit on Ecosystem Restoration” toolkit below!

The International Union for the Conservancy of Nature (IUCN)

IUCN has put together the “Community Organizer’s Toolkit on Ecosystem Restoration” to equip people with the tools, knowledge and resources necessary to help restore ecosystems back to productive and healthy spaces. By the end of this toolkit, you'll be ready to take action and restore your local ecosystem.

  • Explore the toolkit - this toolkit is for everyone. Whatever your needs or obstacles may be, where you are in your restoration journey, or what your ultimate goals are, this toolkit will help you take action.

Find and protect threatened species closest to you

Conservation scientists and interaction designers have launched a web-based app that they hope will put Australia's "threatened species crisis" at the top of the election agenda.

  • Enter your postcode into the Threatened website to find out about the threatened species in your electorate and take action to help them.

Become a Citizen Scientist with Birdlife

BirdLife Australia is proud to be the nation's largest bird conservation organisation.

Volunteer on conservation and restoration projects

  • Conservation Volunteers Australia is a national organisation working with communities to re-balance nature for a stronger, more resilient future. Explore and register for volunteer opportunities today.

Join or start a local Landcare group

Landcare is a grassroots movement dedicated to managing environmental issues in local communities across Australia from coast to country.

Volunteer with National Parks and Wildlife Services

Volunteer or Friends Groups are formed by community members who want to volunteer their time to work together to conserve and protect a specific bushland reserve, historical feature, roadside verge or waterway. They are typically managed by the local council or Shire or National Parks and Wildlife Services. Council can assist with training, provision of plants and seeds, tools and equipment.

(SA) National Parks and Wildlife Services - find your nearest Friends groups and volunteer opportunities, get involved in Citizen Science or join a volunteer rangers group.

Wildlife Rescue Training and Volunteering

Find your local wildlife rescue organisation, join a training session or learn more about becoming a wildlife rescue volunteer. These organisations are often in need of Wildlife Rescue and Transport volunteers, foster carers and shelters.

Even if you don’t do the training yourself, we suggest saving the contact number of your local wildlife rescue organisation on your phone. This way, if you ever come upon injured or sick wildlife needing assistance, you’ll be ready to call it in.

Here is a list of some organisations to get you started, we suggest also doing your own research for your nearest wildlife rescue organisation.

The Wildlife Trusts

The Wildlife Trusts are a grassroots movement of people from a wide range of backgrounds and all walks of life, who believe that we need nature and nature needs us. Their purpose is to bring wildlife back and to empower people to take meaningful action for nature.

The Surfrider Foundation

The Surfrider Foundation’s volunteer network conducts beach cleanups throughout the West, East, Gulf, Great Lakes, Hawaiian and Puerto Rican Coasts.

Joining local efforts for preserving plants and animals is part of a larger collective response. Learn more and find other actions about protecting plants and animals.

Know of any other resources? Share your ideas.