Create locally focused circular economies

Learn about circular economy and how to close the loop

Globalisation has had many unintended consequences. Learn about why stronger local economies are critical to our regenerative future.

Plant Ark’s Australian Circular Economy hub defines Circular Economy as, “an innovative model for rethinking our approach to products and services. Pioneers are reconfiguring and disrupting the way we think about delivering goods and services; shifting the way we extract, make, consume and repurpose the material in our products to ensure emissions are reduced and resources are efficiently used and kept in circulation as long as possible.”

Underpinned by a transition to renewable energy sources, they identify three principles of a circular economy:

  • Design out waste and pollution
  • Keep products and materials in use
  • Regenerate natural systems

This concept is gaining a lot of traction as organisations try to close the resource loop trying to reduce overall impact to the planet. It is about creating an economy where waste has value, just like in natural systems. The waste of one is the treasure of another.

There are many resources about the circular economy around. Here are some great options to learn more:


Australian Circular Economy Hub - a Planet Ark initiative 

ACE Hub is committed to facilitating and accelerating the transition to a circular economy in Australia. 

The Ellen Carter Foundation - Circular Economy and Regeneration

The Ellen Carter Foundation has excellent resources and explanations of circular economy and the critical role it will play in regeneration of the planet. Discover examples, learning pathways and information about the transformation of business in a circular world. You can find resources for government, business, product design and development and business.

CSIRO - National Roadmap for Circular economy 

The CSIRO have developed a roadmap with a focus on waste management. Their current  roadmap focuses on plastics, paper, glass and tyres. 


Ōhanga āmiomio - Circular economy (Aotearoa New Zealand)

The government of Aotearoa New Zealand has developed a plan to have a circular economy by 2050. The intention is to create a bioeconomy that can still be responsive to global trends and consumer preferences. This will involve phasing out certain products and changes to waste management.

Wrap (UK)

WRAP is a climate action NGO working around the globe to tackle the causes of the climate crisis and give the planet a sustainable future. It was established in the UK in 2000 but now operates in a variety of countries. Campaigning for a circular economy is one component of their advocacy for greater sustainability.

Circular Economy Leadership (Canada)

Circular Economy Leadership Canada (CELC) is working to make Canada a world leader in building a sustainable, prosperous circular economy that benefits people and planet.

They are aiming to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon, circular economy in Canada through research and providing advice to businesses.

  • If you are a researcher or business owner, or if you work for a related NGO, you can partner with CELC.

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